Virtual Assistant: A Necessity

By: Sherwin C. Billones

Covid-19 is now a Pandemic according to the WHO. After the announcement, apparently the Philippines’ cases of the spreading virus is slowly rising in the country particularly Metro Manila who has been placed under a community quarantine. Following the abrupt escalation of cases in Italy, the Philippines was of no exemption. Businesses were halt, jobs are frozen and now mass transportation has ceased. The government is trying to provide for the citizens. But , since we belong to a third world country, providing for ourselves for a foreseeable future is in jeopardy. Hence, an alternative solution is a must. Virtual assistant services is the choice, if not the only one, in this social distancing scenario.

Open your mind

Familiarity breeds complacency. We have been doing what we’ve been doing for the past few years to provide for our families and our needs. It is our means for our ends but what if our means were taken and our ends are only the beginning? There shouldn’t be any room for complacency. Open your mind. Look at where you are and ask yourself, “what more can I do?” The world today is on a temporary restraining order. But think of it as your reset button. Can and will you still be doing what you were doing after the outbreak? Will it still matter? Can you still provide? Just open yourself up to the many possibilities of this present situation has brought us. Look no further but the world wide web is not only a place to look into others Facebook status or cart your next item to buy but also a source of an online job .

Train yourself

There is nothing permanent except change. Baby steps. Start from scratch. There are many online groups offering online courses. There is Udemy, Home Based Pinoy, Alpha VA Training and my choice FVA Consultancy. Whichever training group you choose, always remember your “why?”. Even before the lockdown I felt like I am already left behind the technology today and that there was a pressing need for me to have an upgrade. Having two preschoolers at the same time limits my capability to do more on my job since I needed to reserve energy so that when I come home I can still help my wife with family duties. Nevertheless, I am in constant adjustment with how I needed to spend my time. One thing was certain. I needed myself to learn more in order to achieve more.

S Tech Freelancing Solutions

This business was born out of necessity. This is a mix of everything that I have done, what I am doing, and what I am trying to achieve. I have been making pamphlets, laying out designs, collating datum and even made a web page during my off hours from my secondary schooling. It was a necessity out of passion before and I am bringing back that same passion out of necessity. I know for a fact that Business owners are always looking to cut off their expenses and are in constant need of efficiency and Virtual Assistant Services are just the way to do it. I may be a Jack of all Trades, a Master of none but right now, it is better than being a master of one. To Learn more about my services, click here.

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